It's my own fault to some extent, but it also underscores the fact that just because we have children with the same condition, doesn't mean we're going to be besties. I'm not friends with mom's who have brown-eyed children either. Having a child with DS only gives us one thing in common. It may be a jumping off point, but so far, for me, it's been like the motorcyclists who wave at other motorcyclists as if to say, "I acknowledge you and approve your mode of transportation," but have no other interaction.
Anyway, so despite not being too involved in our local DS group, we wanted to go to the Buddy Walk this year because Rachel Coleman from Signing Time was the featured guest/performer. I mentioned previously that E signs. Most of her signing has come from watching Signing Time.
I worried that E would lose her mind seeing Rachel, but she didn't. I think it was because we see her everyday, why wouldn't she be somewhere. What really drew E's attention, though, was Hopkins. He was really fun.
During the performance, E turned away some of the time even though Rachel & Hopkins were singing some favorites that she's asks for - In a House is one E likes to sign before bed, Magic Words was the first song that I noticed E signing/singing along to in the car, Signing Time Theme Song she likes to sign along with Rachel...preferable looking in a mirror - anyway....E didn't lose her mind like I thought she would but it was fun nonetheless. The highlight was at the end when Rachel sang The Silly Pizza Song.
She asked what was first and I signed apple, then what was next (crackers), then she saw I was signing the list and asked what was next (ice cream), next (I said bread but it was wrong and quickly corrected to cereal), then next (bread), when Rachel said you should come up and E and I did! Big Daddy was there to video (below), so you'll see us doing so. Unfortunately, E didn't show all the signs she knows (she's really awesome at extra cheese) probably because of the speed (we do it slower at home by ourselves) and the distraction of Rachel & Hopkins, but it was fun. At the end, Rachel looked over to me and said, "You're very brave," and I said, "We live you," which is true. Signing Time music and videos are a constant part of our day. But my love letter to Signing Time must wait for another day. Until then, here we are at the 2011 Buddy Walk.
Silly Pizza Song w/Rachel Coleman (plus some)
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