We have been felled.
E woke up last Saturday night vomiting after sleeping for a few hours. It's always fun to walk into a room smelling of barf watching your baby/toddler trying to figure out what's happened while simultaneously trying to get them clean and safe while keeping yourself relatively puke free and stripping soiled beds. Thanks heavens for Big Daddy. The throwing up portion of the evening lasted a few hours then subsided. I slept in her room and luckily, there was no high fever. After a couple days of not eating too well, she seems to have bounced back into her normal self.
I came down with the major pukes, though on Wednesday (12/23) night. This lasted through the next morning when major fevers started. Hello 103.5! Luckily, the high ones broke on Christmas Eve, but a low grade one lasted until yesterday (12/27). Unfortunately, ongoing nausea seems to be sticking around, but that's about it. This meant, though, no family activities on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Vomit is not a well appreciated gift.
M has been punky all week and actually woke up on Christmas Eve (technically Day as it was 1:30am ish) night and threw up on our bedroom and bathroom floor. After, we had her sleep in our bed while Big Daddy slept in hers. She was super chatty and excited still for Santa. Despite numerous threats that she needed to sleep, I think the most we both got was a solid two hours or so. The rest of the night was spent arguing about needing to go to sleep.
Christmas finally commenced (a real live American Girl!) with calls and Skyping to family who were carrying on without us. M, though, has been running a little low grade temp and been a little erratic in behavior and eating since. Thinking we were on the mend, plans were made to celebrate with local family today (Sunday, 12/27).
Nope. M still had a little temp and we didn't want to risk it with her 94 year old great grandma. Bitter calls made to once again cancel and disappointed girls (who said they were fine) moped around watching videos. There was perking up later in the day with the painting of the triple bunk bed made the day before by Big Daddy. The celebratory ice cream that was enjoyed, however, made a reappearance a couple hours later.
So, here I sit, tucked into a nest of pillows of blankets on M's bed while she is finally asleep. She tried water a little too soon (I tried to tell her that it would end badly. Unfortunately, this is my trait in her that things must be experienced to be believed.), so two more episodes later, she's finally out and we'll hope this is the last of it.
ETA: She woke up shortly after posting and threw up a little. Big Daddy held the bucket and I held hair. At the end of the episode, she asked for a washcloth for her face. I held the bucket while Big Daddy went to get one. I told her to wait a minute and she said, "I'm trying to stay calm."
ETA: Also, I should note that she was a great trooper, making the bucket for about 98% of episodes (the first one caught her a little, but not totally, unaware. Seriously, she was great. After posting, though, she was too hot she said, so after the "I'm trying to stay calm," incident, she got in the tub. Then, after returning to her bed, we had cool cloths on her head. She firmly rejected any ice chips, but liked a cool cloth. Ibuprofen was successful around 11:00 and sips of water commenced around 3:00 a.m. chasing a second dose of motrin. Popsicles and water have been the order of today, so we'll hope for a measured recovery that will allow for the twice-postponed Christmas to be successfully rescheduled.